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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, August 1, 2011

One more time!

Another trip to the Urgent care this weekend.  I can not get rid of this sinus issue.  the did xrays of my head, teeth, cheek area.  Gave me a shot of steroids and a prescript for another round of antibiotics.   I would have done anything this weekend to make the teeth not hurt.  Today I am feeling pretty good.  My temp and my bp were both up so it is no wonder i am feeling bad. 
I got up this morning with no intention of hitting the gym.  I will do 3 days this week though.  I did want to test how I would feel at 4am.  Yup, more sleep please. 
It's a better day.  Have a couple of sponsees taking final exams this morning.  Hurrah for both of them for wanting and doing better.  In spite of.  At my age I have thought of school but that's as far as I got.  I have a job and on days where it's good, I am good. 
I also spent time in prayer and meditation this morning.  Invaluable to this woman and absolutely takes the edge out of running my life.  God knows I make a mess quicker than a kid in a highchair.
So, the journey continues.  Sober and content.   I'll take that any day!

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