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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Does the ends justify the mean?

The summer.  The entire summer has been so arduous.  So full of fear and surgeries and pain.  I've got one more day in the dental chair and my entire upper part of my mouth will look so much better.  And best of all, the long enduring painful part will be but a memory (I hope) .  I do not want to go into what happened over the weekend as it is much of the same.  But yesterday I had to go in for an emergency visit to the dentist.  Face looked like shrek it was so blown up.  And the pain that accompanied it was more than I could endure.  He ended up shooting me full of novacain and making an incision into my gumline to relieve the pressure and swelling.  It worked.  Thank God.   Painful as it was and it was!  I made a huge difference.  Now I have to go through this process again in two days and believe me I'll doit, but this has got to come to an end.  My employer probably thinks so too.  I have used all my vacation and sick leave just keeping up w/ the knee and the face. 
It could be worse, right?  None of us get out of here alive.  During my brief stay I insist on enjoying the days I can and praying for the bad ones to come to an end.  God has a wonderful purpose for all of us and today I want to live that life. 
Today is all we have, right?  We are not promised a tomorrow.   And I choose to live this day sober, by the grace of God.

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