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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back to Life

Finally after weeks of sheer pain and agony they have found why I have been in such exrutiating pain.  And I mean never ending.  I would have drank a bottle of Jack Daniels if I could have stopped the pain, but I held on.  It was all tooth related and boy what a mess.  It is being addressed now, and I am almost pain free.
The treatment will be costly, the pain will get worse b4 it gets better, but I know now that it's temporary.  Unlike what has been going on.... and on...... and on.
So, feeling better opens up all kinds of doors.   I can think clearly.  Not quite emotionless but certainly with less emotions.  Thank God!  I want to jump up and down and scream, "I'm back"! 
Of course some folks just laugh at my exuberance.  That's ok.  I feel like I've been to hell and back.....
During the weeks of trial and error (doc, hospital, ENT, oral surgeon)  and lots of error - or so it seems, I began to wonder if I was crazy.  I would cry at the pain.  Call the dentist or doctor and asks for help.  I took (around the clock) Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, sinus meds.   I was beginning to worry that my stomach could not live through this.  But, I have, it did.  And as the dental work gets done, I will thank God that I am a) sober!!  b) have dental insurance  c)  willing to take care of these things.   Lord knows there was a time that I would drink to forget.  What a life I have now.   Thank you God!

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