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Friday, August 28, 2015

Life isn't always fun and games

What a concept…….. what is best for Jackie.  Not what she wants; what is best.

I do not think I have come to this place ever before, I must admit… it scares me because at this time it means letting go of something, someone that I love.  Someone that I gave all of me to only to watch the relationship dissolve beyond repair.  He still contacts me occasionally and has asked to have dinner with me IF I can do that, meaning will it hurt me.  Well I immediately took it to God… along with hurry, hurry I need to know; when all I was begging for was hope.  I began to cry.  The hope I have is that Jesus will see me through this time.  Only Jesus will never leave, always love me no matter how screwed up I am.  While I talked to Him after he asked to go to dinner what came to my heart was…. What is best for Jackie?   It startled me as I do not recall ever thinking that.  Only what will best suit the needs she demanded at that moment.  I caught my breath.

The world, the universe, The Lord, knows how I feel; He knows how I hurt.  Every prayer request I have sent up I have either been able to stand up and walk on or I have been left in a puddle of tears and it gets confusing at best.  Or does it?   I felt in my heart that I already have the strength… what?  Really?  That comes from the greatest giver of all, God.

Will I tap into that unlimited resource and grow from my choice to remain prayerful, or will I shut down all sensibility and move on my own accord?  Sounds so easy… 

I have acted on self-will my ENTIRE life and it has ended with people hurt all over the place including ME.  Am I willing to run the show or step back?  I stay in constant prayer but do I really listen?  This has taught me the later…. And then some.  I do not want the pain and sadness to be my cloak I wear forever.  I want to heal and not come back.  How do I do that?  Better yet, help me God to allow your grace to cover the painful but truthful decisions.  All along I have asked that S come back.  That he realize how much he misses and wants me.  All along I have not let that go.

What is best for me?  To never walk away from God again.  To remain in his presence with expectancy and joy.  I keep reading so many bible teachings now I am walking in those verses and I’m afraid but holding on to God’s promises. 

I saved his last message and mine.  Can we meet for dinner?  I’m not strong enough.  I still want him too much.  When you are ready?  I’m not there and may never be.  I told him that (to the best of my memory) I would have to give that some thought.  He said ok, he will (a)wait my answer..  My answer is deep within me.  Not now.  Not now.  Not now.  I truly am not at that place.  I turned back to the texts to reread the conversation, hit save and then hit delete for the other messages.  It took his away too.   I panicked… I looked through my phone, frantically searching for it as if I was looking for a lost pet or child.  Oh no, I began to sweat, stomach jumped up and down, heart beat racing.  What the heck am I going to do I can’t remember his number.  Help!  Help!

God doing for me what I can’t do?  I don’t know, but I do know this.. I am so used to pushing my truth down further and futher that I have lost me.  He hasn’t.  He remains the same and I am lost.  I choked on my truth as it made its way to the surface.   It is not in my best interest… not now and probably not soon down the road.

As the angst began to subside I remembered a number that could be his so of course.. I wrote it down.  Little by little I am squeezing myself dry of this emotionally draining part of self.  I know also, that I have his email IF I truly found myself wanting to contact him.  The last think I will write is this:  As I cried over this, as I sat in silence and in the fear of letting go… my true self and my Jesus self-met if only for a moment and as I stood up  and took another breath I wiped the tears away…

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