Progress, not perfection……….
Trust the process……………………
Yadda Yadda Yadda………………..
I always write in first person. I never refer to what “you” should do, I mean
honestly, how would I know. I tell this
to woman I sponsor, I share what has worked and you have to find your own
way. That is what this post is
about. Finding my way.
I saw my therapist last night. We discussed many things. I went in feeling hopeless and left knowing someone
else knew what I was going through.
We talked about trusting the AA program and the people
that had gone before us. And I did/do. But I have seen my own results now.
We talked about many other things that we have watched
others go through and seen them come out the other end. We knew something worked.
So, where am I today?
I am trying to keep this generic.
Lets start with, if you never knew, you never knew.
If you can define the problem, commite to a
solution, and then trust the process.
She reminded me that I am staying sober so the ‘program’
must be working. Ok, I’ll buy that.
So, now we (i) have to relearn some serious behaviors or
reactions to things around me. (generic enough?) Trust, trust, trust.
As I always say, what do you have to lose?
I’m in cause I have a lot to lose, just in my immediate
future. Job, kids, friends. The way I have been lately I feel certain
they don’t want to see me coming. (joke,
strictly a joke).
So, hang on…………. This may get bumpy!
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