I get up, I ask God for help staying sober that day. I heard something interesting at a meeting the other night. I know that meditation is something I do after prayer. Well this person said anytime you think on something over and over your meditating on it. Hmmm. Must think about that one. tee hee.
Somedays are smooth as glass. I sail effortlessly through the day. ahhhhh. Then there are those "other" days when it's all I can do to suit up and show up. Do no harm. That kind of day. They don't come as often but they can still be as debilitating as ever. Case in point........ Tuesday.
Sometimes I don't feel God as close as I want. I try not to be in fear those days. HE never leaves. He has promised us that and I believe that.
Boy this thing called LIFE can be joyous or it can be well........ life. I can sail or I can fight. It's up to me. I have not mastered how to remain joyful through deaths, divorce, sick children, etc. But I know that taking a drink will only worsen how I feel and deal with all of this. Even though, at times, the thought does come to me.... Hey why not. Followed closely by; Because of what happens after that 1st drink or other substance. It gets ugly, scary, lonely, ugly! And I don't want UGLY anymore.
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