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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Time frames everything

12 months ago I was pretty happy and excited in a relationship that seemed so right and I never thought I would feel that way again.

8 months ago we broke up..

9 years ago I left a great job after almost 8 years; one I thought I would never leave.

6 years ago I began this new one….

12 years ago I thought my life was over; I never thought I would heal.

9 years ago I got sober and I never thought I would want to.

7 months ago a precious baby came into this world; the product of the love

Of 2 recovering people (one of which is my wayward son).

1 month ago they blocked me from their lives and their precious baby…

I never saw that coming.


So, as time slips by or spins at warp speed, we embrace it or fight it… but it wins.  Always.


Time takes Time.  In the Meantime it’s a mean time.  Pretty prolific, right?

Life offers good and dishes out hard.  We either absorb, accept or fight.


I have been consumed by each of these things from point of contact at that time.  Of course as time passes, the injury or joy passes and dissipates. 


Someone said to me last night that people see the glass half full or half empty which either is correct.  That had never occurred to me.  Of course they are.  So, we always have a choice to have it either way.  For me, sometimes I don’t have the ability to see above the misery and sadness to choose the positive. 


I am working through this newest hurt and maybe by trying to understand him rather than harboring anger which builds to resentments.  Again, processing as the “time” passes.  Am I certain of a good outcome?  No.  Am I resolved to that chance?  No.  But I’m hoping and without hope I might as well check out….

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