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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

It"s Summertime and...........

It’s summertime and the living is easy…… I love that song.  Really brings me back to a gentler time in youth.  The living is easy now but not without emotional upset.  But I’m learning to walk forward in spite of.

The cool of spring left quickly and the outside air temps are reaching nearly 100 with the heat index.  Hot folks, hot!

We went camping just before it got exceptionally hot.  I love the water and camping but when all you can do is stay in the water… well night time becomes a problem.  J

So, a couple of things…..

It’s time to enjoy this weather!  Camping… Kayaking …

Yes!  Kayaking.  Headed in a few weeks for a day trip.  Now, last year we loaded up in August and along the way we always stop, jump in to cool off and splash and play.  Well, until the Water Moccasin came after us.  Literally…. As a matter of fact after one of the kids.  Scared us all to death!  So, that was so much fun we are doing it again.  We have enjoyed these trips for 4 or 5 years now.  The water is cold and in places moving swift but not scary.  Mostly this is a paddle trip…. But what about the snakes?   Mmm. Still gonna get wet but may not get in the grassy areas… ewe!

Probably taking the g-kids to our local wave pool this weekend.  Wave Pool, slides, Olympic pool.  Beach… just fun!  I so enjoy hanging out with them so unless it rains….

Now, one thing I haven’t done before this summer is visit my brother down south.  He lives about 6 hours from us.  Just happens to be on the way to the beach (sort of).  So, road trip with my traveling companion and sister..  Lucy to my Ethel or vice versa.  Just a short 3 days but I just think it will be fun.  I love spending time with him and going to the beach for the day is something that excites me as well.  When S and I were dating we took a short trip to the beach.  It rained the whole time but being together was so much fun (sniff, sniff).  That was then…. This is now and I’m getting back to whole….. yeah me!

Well that along with day trips to the lake and hanging out at 4th of July… will pretty much sum up the summer… sounds so final and its only June 23rd.  Planning way beyond today but enjoying the distraction.

Life isn’t great or is it?  A few days ago I was so incredibly down that well…. Thank God I’m not there (right now)..

You know that saying that every day is a chance to learn something about ourselves.  Well I’ve gotten a huge does lately and maybe it will change how I moved forward and maybe it will be tossed aside as it should be…. For now.

God grant me the serenity to accept what I can not change…. One of the hardest things I know… cause Lord knows I am a fixer… oh and I break things too.


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