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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016



It makes me furious to have to choose between what will be a priority with my heath and what will have to wait. 

I am having an issue with my lower back.  I had it checked out a year or so ago and was told it is just age… Well when it acts up it sure feels like age!  Old age! 

Last fall I had one of the worst episodes (lack of a better term) with my back I had ever had.  I went to a ghost walk with a few friends and had to wait for about 30 minutes just standing around, for the walk to begin.  Well, my back began to really hurt and before the night was over I could barely walk.  I was sick over it… it did get better though.

Fast forward.  It’s back!  I’m not happy.  I can run and it doesn’t seem to be an issue.  I can’t lift weights…. I can’t stand for anything longer than a few minutes until it begins to hurt.  And not just hurt.   Hurt like sit down and don’t get back up.

So, I call my family doc.  Just give me a prescription and I will be ok… I’m sure….  Nope they want me to see a sports/med doc.  Which is who I saw once before.  Hmmmm… so if it doesn’t get better I will.  In the meantime my family doc wants me to come in for a yearly wellness visit.  I said yes but the more I thought about it I decided no.  I’m not throwing 50.00 to him just to see how I’m doing…..

If I’m shelling out $$ it will have to be for the squeakiest wheel and right now that it my back.  My family doc will not re-write my blood sugar strips or my pills for swimmy head without coming in.  So where do I spend my limited funds?

I will ponder this….


This weekend my precious granddaughter and I will volunteer at our local arts festival.  2 hours of standing (yeah exactly) and helping with kids.  It would have been/should have been fun but I’m dreading this.  But, perhaps this is what will truly show me whether or not this will resolve itself…


So, I’m a whining today.  Whaaaa!


I should stop and say I’m grateful to even have healthcare.    And I am.  Truly….

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