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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Change to adapt or adapt to change?

This thought crossed my mind today.  As we change, be it aging, weight loss, maybe some physical changes; how do we adapt?  Or do we?  Do we put up a fight or just relax and go with the flow?  Hmmmm.  So, this specifically is about the physical part of aging.  Let’s say I’m no longer as quick as I was or as bright… this is where I am right now.  My energy level has plummeted over the past couple of months.  I have fought so hard to sustain the level of activity that I have always had.  It was just dragging me down.  I finally said, STOP!  Address the unnatural (loss in activity level) with the natural (allowing myself some days off).  My desire to attend church and church functions is gone.  Finally over the weekend I just said enough!  I’m not 2.  Beating myself up about not wanting to go is useless waste of time…. I feel such relief.. It isn’t just that it is anything that keeps me bound by what my own measuring stick is…… you must!  You should!  Why aren’t you?  You better!  You’re going backwards! 

So, the point to this is how I am carefully addressing my changing needs and trying not to make this all negative…. Which, for me, is really hard.

So, physically maybe things are changing and I will adapt.  Emotionally things have changed and I have adapted.  Spiritually things continue to change and adapting to the positive side is essential. 

All I ask is peace and serenity through it all.



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