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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Her Disbelief

Her disbelief hurts.  Hurts her and those that share her realm.  They can’t possibly understand the angst that goes on inside.  Trying desperately to remain on the positive side of things.  Her what if’s are stinging and leaving scars of tears.    How fragile she is at times.  Begging God to relieve her of the things that create the angst, fear…. Fear…. Fear… Some day’s she actually can breathe…. Some days.

She feels his pulling away; although she is told not to worry.  He says everything is ok.  Nothing is wrong.  What she hears is I’m leaving you.  I don’t want you.  I’m just not there.  She knows.  She has lived this.

As the morning drags by painfully she watches her phone for any sign of him.  Nothing.  How to not be in the middle of this will take time or practice or both… she wants the relief to come quickly.  How sad that a word will erase this but the silence increases the intensity of it all.

She is right.  Even if she isn’t… He is not there, today.  He wasn’t there yesterday.  But, given some unsettling news that she shared with him days ago… he lept to action.  Where could he help?  What did she need?  So…. Her memory tries to keep that in the forefront.  Seeking the comfort those memories bring.  Then being slapped back with the last couple of days of arm’s length interaction.  Let the crying begin.  She weeps. 

There is but one solution.  A loving God that takes all things and turns them around to work for the good of those that are called according to His purpose.  ALL things.  Her things. 

She wants to ask him for assurance… again.  But something inside says NO.  Your assurance can only come from above.  What you seek here on earth is fleeting and never lasts.  God gives the ability to breathe, move about in a hostile world…She wishes she were at home.  Home where scare, sad can be held at bay by sleep. 

She feels the energy leaving her body.  Drained she knows this has worn her out/down.  Just the insanity of it all nearly breaks her spirit.  Again she cries out, ‘sweet Jesus… please take this’. 

When the unsettling of human emotions overtakes us we tend to roll up in a ball as if to protect ourselves.   Move as far away from the issue/pain as possible and she knows she is close.   Traumatized over and over by what she thinks he can fix but doesn’t… she feels at her breaking point….But feelings can betray all of us.  Deep breathe……………………………….

Friday, June 12, 2015

Living  beyond ourselves...
it can be overwelming.  It takes place practice.. it can be scary.  But all in all rewarding.....
so,what holds us back?  Fear?  Self seeking?  I can say for me, awareness of others and their needs.. . It did not, is not coming easily or naturally.  However, seein others needs and  responding as  needed is awesome....
as I look around I see I have an awesome family...great friends...and a relationship new and exciting. I give all thanks to a God that loves unconditionally.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Another huge wave of misery. 

Where does this stuff come from?  Being completely overwhelmed by an emotion or blindsided by something disconcerting in itself.  Wrap it up in a person that can't bounce back quickly and it gets scary... fast.

There is nothing driving this downside.  I can manufacture something to make it more plausible, more real that way I won't feel AS crazy when I have to explain.... the why of it all.  Cause truth be told.... I have no idea why the lows come.  Why the highs don't stay.  No idea.

What I do know is when I am ok with me, most things roll off me.  But, I'm not there today nor yesterday. 

Kids, camping and chaos

Kids, Camping and chaos

Well our first camping trip in several years has come and gone.  Glorious weather!  Mild/hot days and mild nights.  No rain….  Great food, awesome company (S) and family time!  What’s there not to love!

I learned a lot about ‘S’ family this weekend.  I watched things happen that surprised me, shocked me and angered me.  But, it’s not my deal and he will figure things out for himself.  Nothing shocking, but when others put others out then there is a problem….

So, Saturday we spent the day on the lake.  Mike rented a pontoon.  Gosh it was good to feel the wind as we breezed through the water….  God if you are listening, I want on the water so bad.  I don’t need a boat, a kayak will do but the early morning light coming up on the water is so calming…  I got out all three mornings taking pictures…. And, “S” was right there with me… he also loves the pictures of God’s handy work…

When I think of good memories of childhood they always involve my dad.  The calming force (although I know there were things beyond that).  He loved camping, the water.  I’m sure that is why we all want that so badly.    I am certain that I can go it alone though.  I am going to not go camping just because others can’t.  I enjoy it that much! 

Now a funny story.  In the fast pace of packing I actually forgot the tent.  When I told Steve that at 3:45am that morning before we left; he busted out laughing.  It was so infectious that I started laughing too.  He finally said, ‘man that should be the first thing you pack’ it is camping!  He has a wonderful sense of humor.  Our time together could not have been better.  

So, the camping was the best, the kids brought the chaos and we all lived to see the end of a great trip.