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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Heaven or Hell


A precious lady friend divorced her philandering husband after 35 years.  Dare I say he was also a preacher.  Philandering preacher.  REALLY?  That is another story.  The reason behind this post is letting go.  Letting go of what we have, of what we want, of what we desire.  Please do not think that a negative remark.   Read on.

So my friend finally finds a mate.  Her soul mate.  I did not get the opportunity to meet him as she had moved away from the madness here to a quieter place, her happy place, if you will.  There, low and behold she meets “W”.   They married 10 months ago.  Hurrah for peace and happiness to them both.  Totally forgetting the horrors of that other union.

Tues.  she lets us know that ‘w’ had a massive stroke.  After several attempts to correct the damage as well as save his life………………….  They could not.  He is now in a transitional space--- literally………..    a place waiting to go to the next space – in time --- endless?  Who knows.

How does this happen.  Damn it for happening.  Her happiness… Finally… and his.  WTH!  So I yelled at God, as I have before in an attempt to find the answers to His plan.  Or perhaps at the reality that IF He is all the power, then why, why take “w” now?

My insides swell just thinking about that.  Driving to work this morning in quiet reflection several things came to mind.  1) who am I to judge this outcome  2) they both found love again, so is that a bad thing?  3) perhaps, just perhaps this relationship, albeit a short lived one; gave her the courage to love again.  Allowed her the opportunity to know a fine man.  And, maybe that is what he received as well.  So, as the thoughts lingered on, and traffic would grab my attention here and there, I began to see things from a different perspective.  Tragic as it is, and nothing can take that away, she could heal in a different way from this pain.  Somewhere down the road.  We will be waiting… watching… loving her and knowing nothing is certain in this life.

And, here is the kicker……….. how does this affect me?  Do I continue to be bitter?  Angry?  Fearful?  Someone dropped from my life and it hurt like hell (but that healing has been written too many times here), that the bitterness could be turned around by another love…. BUT  what if he……………………..


Too much thinking and not enough quiet reflection of all that I have seen and experienced of the power of God’s presence in my life……………..


Here’s to you Ms M and to you Mr W…………………………  nothing can tear you apart………….. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Weddings, birthdays and Fall!

I say each time the seasons change that I love the newest one.  I stayed really sad for so long that the fall season just broke my heart.  Not so much anymore.  Lots of action in the fall.

Son and DIL had a fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii!!!!!!!!!!  What an opportunity for them to share.

3 grandchildren, daughter, brother all have fall birthdays, oh and mine (does that count?).  Football at the highschool level and of course the SEC games which i love! 

Cool air moves in and out but soon will be here to stay.  I love crisp fall mornings.  Leaves changing colors.... pumpkin pie, bread anything you can do with pumpkin..........  

So the thought I had today was how richly we can be and not be able to see it.  An action to be taken and for me that needs to be daily.   OH, i am more than aware of how fortunate I am.  Blessed beyond anything I ever imagined and truly know that only began when I surrendered my old life several years ago.   I look back at times but quickly try to focus on today....

Oldest granddaughter got her learners permit the other day.  Where has the time gone?  She is such a beautiful girl...........  15... Wow!

One further note:  social media... the other dayI got a friends request from someone that I did not know.  Come to find out she is a cousin from my fathers side of the family.  Before I knew it her brother had joined in.  It was so much fun.  She began posting pics of my grandmother, their dad and other family members that I don't remember.  We were not around them after the divorce and really not much before that... how sad...........  BUT!  on a positive note.... how cool to reconnect.