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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Old man winter please blow away!

The wind is howling outside my office window.  Small flakes of snow are blowing around.  Trees look like they could snap.  Temps dropping from the 40’s to the 30’s during the day.  I hate winter!

Grandaughter was so incredibly sick this weekend while at my house.  Could not keep her temp below 101 for very long.  She went to the doc yesterday and has tonsillitis.  I would have sworn it was strep but the test came back negative.  Poor thing…………

Yesterday morning it sounded like a bird was in my chimney.  My cats were having a fit.  I hated it for the bird but when I got home last night everything was quiet.  I hope he was able to fly out.

New bible study going on.  Promises from God.  Interesting but lots of homework.  Clearly stated in bible verse and verse of what He will do.  Now if I will continue to “let” Him.

I was thinking this morning of how quiet life seems right now.  Dare I even think that?  Fear of casting a shadow over things looms internally.  I am not creating chaos, I am not busy destroying lives and right now it seems most things are ok.

So, as I beg my space heater to ward off the wind at my desk, as the window’s chill starts to lower the temp. at my desk; I again state, I HATE winter.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Life is too short

I lost a friend the other day.  He had been given an 18month prognosis after finding brain cancer.  He made it just that long.  His battle was courageous.  He married his girlfriend after the diagnosis, a decision they both decided on for whatever reason.  His impact on the fellowship I belong to was unmeasurable.  They talked of grace and dignity when they described him.  We never saw him feeling sorry for himself  in spite of what he was going through.  We are all better humans just knowing him.  And he is healed, finally.

So, one of the woman I have worked with for 3ish years in our program went back at it full force.  She may not make it back.  Just too much trauma in her short life that just can’t be changed to help her grow beyond it.  Drinking gives her peace, if only for a moment.  It breaks my heart but honestly….. I can’t make her want to be sober.

It is January 17th and the temps outside show it.  The high today will be in the 40’s but it is certainly chilly.  I am not a cold weather fan and spring can not come soon enough.  After the holidays I want to jump right into spring.  The months of Jan-Mar are dark, cold and depressing.

No raise this year.  Boss told me that our Obama care has taken my raise, since my healthcare has gone up $200.00 a month, he has decided that is where our raise will go.  He pays the entire $500.00 a month and I am more than grateful for that, but my pocketbook will be over $2,000 shorter because of this.  Again, where is the affordable stuff that asshole told us we would get/have.  No truth to that at all.  And forgive my French!

Full weekend with the grandkids planned.  I am happy to spend this time with them.  They are my babies!

Hopefully the end of this week brings reflections of joy and peace, all of which are gifts from above.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

So, the crazy holidays are behind us from 2013.  Here we are the first day of the new year.  2014.  I pray all of us have the best of this upcoming year.  Here! Here!

It is bitter cold here with the chance of snow tomorrow, which, for us in the south is a treat.  So, fingers crossed!!!

I am hoping my 'flu' is on the upside of recovery.  I must say that I have gotten this sick for the past 3 or 4 years so hopefully this is it!  Poor RJ is now really sick.   Hoping he recovers quickly.  This is a bugger bear of a strain. 

I did begin 2014 at the gym.  I went to show myself I could.  I stayed to force myself to get off the couch today.  So, scratch that off my list.  I am now home, blogging and sipping hot coffee.  Yum!

I have to say that 2013 was a great year.  Depression seemed to be held at bay.  Work life improved, financially I have made great strides and continue too, and emotionally ... well I have found contentment within which is so much more than I could have imagined.  Yeah God!

Spiritually things just seem good.  I can't explain this new awakening, nor do I want to try.  I so enjoy my church life and being involved seems to suit me.  I have so longed for the life that HE set me to have.  And I know that it is here and now. 

Watching Tournament of Roses parade.  Not one of my favorites but it is a staple of new years day.

Happy New year!!!!