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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mind, Body and Spirit

We only get one body.  Take care of what your given.  You’ll be old one day.  These were all things told to me while I aged.  I had a wonderful boss several years ago that was probably 25 years older than i.  He would get a ‘hitch’ in his git-a-long and he would tell me, ‘you wait.  This will be you one day’.  I can remember saying over and over,  no it won’t.  I feel too good for that to happen.  Well guess what?  Yup it has begun.  Actually began while I was still in the dark.  Medicated beyond what was necessary.  Medicated with those substances that weren’t supposed to be put in our bodies.  Like Rip Van Winkle, when I woke up I saw a whole new world.  What a shock.  And I began to see and feel of a body that I barely recognized, a face as well. 
Different things began to go wrong.  I have written about my knee and today that is a mess again.  I was going to run a 5-k in the morning.  Uh yup.  Wed. night the same knee that was operated on about 18 months ago went haywire.  After a trip to the ortho/surgeon yesterday they confirmed what I already suspected.  Arthritis, and no cushion in my knee.  Makes for an interesting life..
Ok, enough of the complaining.  I have so much to be grateful for.  I should celebrate daily that I am alive.  Remember, I did the best job I could at ending that.  What a mess.
So, my body can heal.  My mind still functions (mostly) and my soul has been restored. 
Breathe in and experience it all.Peace Stock Photo - 7962526

1 comment:

  1. What a breath of fresh air to read your words, and realize your spirit soars. Seems to me we're each following the same path of unconditional love for ourselves. A very bitter-sweet path for sure. Hitting the bottom of our lives certainly has a way of doing that and waking us up. Before my body began to wrinkle, gray, show many "age spots", creek, droop, tire I'd also been deaf to the wisdom that tried relentlessly to "warn" me! ~ But late is always better, when it comes to "this" ~
