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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Year in Review

I became very lazy about posting.  That sums up a lot.  It tells you that I am unmotivated to do this.  Why?  Probably because I wonder if it serves any purpose.  My own?  Probably.
So, the year was interesting.  If I re-read this blog I would probably remember more but here goes:
  I started out with a bang.  Staying sober and loving that.  But still struggling w/ a few issues.
  Horrific Tornado blew through here in April.  I can't remember how many people died but it was a bunch.    Saw damage that I/we won't soon forget.  It was so sad.  And, might I add, one of the scaries nights i can remember.  Lost power for 7 days.
  Knee surgery in June.  Harder than I had anticipated but now, looking back ha!  It's like childbirth.  You soon forget.  But, I don't want to go through that again.
  Relapsed!  Holy crap.  I still can't fathom that one.  But, I am still an addict inside and I must never forget that.  I jumped right back into this and have thrived ever since.  Probably learned a lot about myself in the process.
  Had extensive dental problems.  More pain than even the knee surgery.  And I mean back to back.  I am fine now but whew! Another thing I would rather never repeat!
  Got to go to St. Louis to see my gal Joyce Meyer.  Went with friends and had a grand time.
  Although I slacked at the gym, I am still there.  Have not gained any weight which totally thrills me.
  Still seeing Ron.  Some days I want to walk.  Other days I still enjoy his company.  Go figure.  One thing I won't do is beat myself up about it. 
  OH and lest I forget!  I got baptised on May 29th...  I am totally committed to this new way of living even if I stumble, I will get back up.  Defined by His love and Grace, not my shortcomings.

So over all it's been a good year, but once again hindsight (or rearview mirror looking) I can see so clear His hand on my life.  However, I still, at times, try to regain control of where I am going.... I still can make that a total mess. 

I am in a good place.  Even though:  Son is homeless, got arrested, dad bonded him out, he stole some personal items of mine and I forgive him, just as I am forgiven of my past indiscressions. 

God, I will walk towards you, always asking how may I serve you and my fellows. That my light and better life will be the beacon that draws others to you.  If that be your will.

Good bye 2011..........................


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