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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's getting better.... in spite of what I think

Tomorrow will be two weeks since my dental work.  Well 3 from when it began but 2 since the majority of it was done.  And I am so happy to say that the pain is diminishing.  No need for anything stronger than Motrin.  I am able to eat a little more.  I actually got up at 4am to get to the gym.  I haven't been in weeks and boy did it feel wonderful.  For me, I need that physical part of my life.  It gives me a great lift both physically and mentally. 
I went to my normal meeting last night.  It wasn't as packed as normal but it was a good meeting all the same.  We did have a fella come in and cry something we couldn't understand.  He went on and on and really made little sense.  They finally cut him off and he seemed agravated.  My gratitude was so much so just not to be where he was at that moment.  Early sobriety sucks. 
I know I have a God that gives me power to get through any situation.  Taping into it is another story. 
But staying sober is the most important thing in my life, everything else comes second to that.

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