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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ok, it was a sinus infection.  Doc comfirmed and loaded me up w/ the best medicine possible (the free stuff). Anti Inflammatory and a strong antibiotic.  Believe me today is a new day.  I am smiling.  Pain is a bad memory now.  Unbelievable that 24 hrs ago I was about to buckle under.  Fear gripped my every thought.   Today I can think clearly.  I have learned more about me.  I do not do pain (at all).  I become really fear driven when I hurt that bad.  AND given the 2 months I have been somewhat out of comission, I was in the midst of the sickness of  feeling bad forever.
Does this have anything to do w/ living sober?  hell yeah it does.  If i had to go another day with that kind of pain I would have taken matters into my own hands and gone for the high dollar stuff.  Anything to stop that feeling.
Even my emotions are back level.  Whew!  It's been a helluva ride.   Thank you God for keeping me sober through this process.  And for giving me trust in your command. 

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