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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Emotional Week...

A very long, emotional week.  I have had a major issue since last week w/ a tooth.  I went to the dentist on Tue to find out I have a bad infection.  After a few prescriptions off I went.  I was miserable by the next day.   Anyway, today is 3 days later and I can at least close my mouth.  It is getting better.   On the same day as all that, a guy hit me in the rear.  It made me sick.  I am close to paying this car off (which is huge for this gal) and now it's banged up.  He doesn't seem to have insurance and the damages to my car is just over my deductible so no reason to file a claim.  
Work has been destructive to my spirit this week too.  So, as you can see, i am more than ready for the weekend.  No comittements, no rushing, no nothing.
Being sober does not mean life stops.  On the contrary.  It is wide open and I get to participate...  

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