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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Life update:

Finally made it to the back doc yesterday.  I am so incredibly stubborn (or more likely I’m managed by my checkbook) that it took what it took to get me in finally.  You know, like pain.  Life change to accommodate pain.  Wth!

So, after pushing, pulling and x-rays it was found that they can’t see anything wrong.  Steroid injection and more oral steroids for the inflammation.  Ok, I’ll run with that!  We will see where this goes.  On a somber note and probably a little on the negative side, I contacted my running buddy for our upcoming 5k insanity run next month.  Perhaps I better step back.  Perhaps….

So, I am forced to take a look at my activity level and assess whether I’m doing more harm than good.  I have been less and less at the gym and now less and less running.  For someone that thrived on the high of exercise that has almost gone.  That makes me so sad…. So…. Still assessing.  Perhaps modifying would be a good term.  And then again maybe I’m just fat and lazy.   Ok, that would be a big no and stop with the negative!  NOW!

Spent the weekend with my precious gdaughter.  I love these kids more than my life itself.  The older I get which leaves them the same way the more our journey has changed.  We still do fun stuff but, for me, it has become more about the time together than ‘the adventure’ anymore.  I asked my sweet “S” as we listened to songs on the radio could she tell me one song that would be a sweet reminder of her pawpaw.  She said yes and surprised me with a song I had never heard him sing…. The title escapes me now but I guess it’s her memory.  When asked the same about me she quickly said, ‘puff the magic dragon’  or  ‘ms robinson’.   Both excellent reminders I would say.


For some reason I have thought of Steve a bit lately.  Maybe he thinks of me… hmmm.  I don’t cry anymore, but I do still keep all of this in my prayers…


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