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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Watch out!

Watch out!


Last Thursday we had to send my sister to the hsp via ambulance again.  Same story, different days.  Ended up doing surgery to remove about a foot of her colon.  She is still recovering in the hsp.  God bless her!

**do not take your own health for granted!   I know I can/do.

I am leaving out all the happenings with that, not that it isn’t important.  It’s just too much going on.

On my way home from the hsp last Fri I get rear-ended.  Stop and go traffic but it still knocked me forward, sent stuff flying all over the car and banged up the rear end. 

**never take your journey as typical..  I know.. we all do..

On Saturday I am eating breakfast after delivering a stove to my daughter… when my phone is going nuts.  Hurry they are doing surgery on “r” at 10:30… hurry…. So, we finish eating and as we are headed back to town we are involved in a 3 car accident.  Yes, really.

**things can spin out of control right in front of you!   And they did.

Fortunately Ron was ok although he did go to the hsp via ambulance so I let my family know I’m going to the other hsp to be with him…

**can’t make this stuff up

My car has some minor damage…. His truck is totaled.

See!  This is why I am only putting in the highlights.  All since last Thursday.  Today is Tuesday.  It still seems like a blur.

Robin is still in the hospital… Maybe in a few days she will come home…

That is the most important part.  People.  Lives…. Humans……let’s not forget that!



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