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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, October 23, 2015

GF time!

Girlfriends are the best!

So one of my best friends is going through a really rough time.  Relationship issues, children…… Our choices mirror each other and when I was sinking in despair and sadness she listened and brought the best of remedies to me.  For that I am grateful.. Now, she needs me or perhaps what she gave me I could return… she has the ability to see the picture clear and respond appropriately (for me) and I am not good at that but I’m here for her!

So, the whole girlfriends thing is awesome.  It has become a call of duty (well that sounds awful) that when she says or I say or one of us says, we need girl time; we spring into action.  No further investigation is needed.  We just know.  Hence today.  She needs a girl night.  We are going to give her that.  She is truly in a sad dark place… my heart breaks for her…  So…. Woman to the rescue!

This is an interesting concept considering most woman in our ‘circle’ seem to be of the same mindset - that a ‘man’ will fix and a woman will get in the way.  Why we think or thought that is too funny.  However, today we try to be there for the other(s).  Try.

Life is full of choices.  Life is made up of relationships and how we handle them or don’t.  relationship with ourselves, with you and most importantly with God. 

I have sucked at most of them, ok all of them my entire life.  If I did not get something in return you would not get my time.  So self-absorbed…. Today, I choose to do something different..  Like be a part of not apart from.

I have great friends today.  I am learning to be ok without a relationship with a man.  However, my prayer still remains the same, ‘please God send me an angel… someone I can love and will love me’  today I can honestly say that I am ok… moving in the right direction with small potholes still around but no sink hole!

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