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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Who's Journey

Who’s Journey?

That is the question.  Can we truly know what another is thinking or feeling without asking?  In the asking does it settle the question?  No, of course not.  It may be an answer but I have learned that we do not ‘truly’ understand until we have experienced the same life experiences.

Another equally important point is we all process differently.  Acceptance to some may come with many blows to the heart/head, while the same outcome may be produced quickly in others without any suffering, so the question should be, ‘why’?

I am of the life lesson/learned from experience, mindset that loving someone while they are going through a rough ‘patch’ may be all that is needed.  We don’t always get the choice of our directions taking from us before turning left or right.   Hindsight?

What also comes to mind is the judgment given or felt during a dark time.  I suppose others will spread joy or judge whichever they care too.  On the receiving end the later can be hurtful and again, I try not to harm…… try……

So, my journey needs no condemnation; no journey does.  In the quiet desperation of wandering and wondering it came to me that life can’t always be explained and understood.   I had a friend tell me, ‘you can’t explain crazy’.  I am reminded over and over when the question pops up, why?  Knowing the why does not change the outcome.

Along life’s journey we will meet many people and all of us have a story.  Be kind…….You never know what’s being written in yours.

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