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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Expect the unexpected..

Just when we least expect it…………..


I just gave up.  Well not ‘just’ gave up; but literally was exhausted emotionally from years of holding on to something that should have been let go.  A relationship.

You know because I have written so much about ‘it’.  I had dated a few times.  I had been on many first dates.  I was beginning to fear that I had shut down so completely that there was no hope.  Any chance at a lasting relationship was gone.  And, I thought, perhaps I had begged and prayed myself into this place.  Letting ‘R’ go was THE hardest things I have ever walked through.  I sicken when I think of the 10 years I spent wanting, crying and waiting.  He NEVER changed his story; but I kept shifting mine to fit into his.  Today, as I think, reflect and write that it is done…..

I met someone.  Not just someone, but all the attributes I had left at God’s feet is here, including the timing of it all.  You can’t wipe this smile off.  Even though, it is not about the other person, or a job or money or (fill in the blank) that should make us happy.  That happiness must come from within and for me- connected to a God so big that even my hurt has been lessened. 

Late last year I emotionally disconnected from “R”.  I felt empty inside but better knowing that he no longer held me captive.   I was free to be me.  Be alone.  Be happy.  Just be.

In February I decided to go to a dating site just one more time.  I was so sick of all the creeps out there.  My heart hadn’t been interested in much there anyway, but it did give me something to do.   Anyway after chatting it up with a few men, one just popped up that sorta caught my eye.  I thought, oh heck what do you have to lose.   We met.  It was so easy… we talked till we couldn’t talk anymore.  I left thinking, wow what was that all about?  After several dates and lots of fun, I sat back and took a second look.  Yup, he was handsome (that was an easy one), kind, loving (he had lost his wife last year to cancer).  What really stuck out was just the kind spirit that he had.   But! Was it real?  I had played it cool at first.  Wasn’t really certain I wanted to jump in.  Plus, was he really ready to date? 

Date after date and I was becoming smitten with this gently giant.  That was truly scary and exhilarating together.   Plus he made me smile, laugh…. My heart sings.

I guess, the point of all this is to say,  WHEN I finally conceded…. God, I’m good either way.  Alone/single… Here he comes.  I say God knew what both of us needed.  I don’t want to sound like a sap…. But I’m hanging on.  I’m enjoying every second of this.   AND if it ended tomorrow sure I would be sad; but he has shown me that there are men out there that are kind.  Even want woman their age (mine)….   

God never stops amazing me.



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