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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hurry up and get well............. NOW!

Day 11.

I got really sick last weekend.  I mean awful.  After a trip to the ER + meds; a few days in bed (literally) and then a follow-up with my doc including a shot and different meds  AND by last Fri a 3rd series of meds culminating in Sat spent at home resting......  I am still fighting off this cough and all that stuff that comes with it. 

This morning I could literally crawl back in bed.  I do not know why but when I am this sick I tend to push too hard to be better.  Feel better.  You know if 2 pills work then double it.  If rest helps then sleep all day.  But when you are half better then by golly your not pushing hard enough!

Given permission to relax and take it easy just isn't in my makeup.  However, feeling bad after this long is wearing me out.  I have tried to do the gym thing but i end up coughing and feeling worse. 

So, today I will trudge.  Maybe tomorrow will be the day I will be able to say   Hurrah I AM better.

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