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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Morning and Farewell

I took this this morning as the sun was coming up.  The picture is beautiful but still can do justice to God's painting. 
And this is a farewell to 2012.  I know for me it has been a year full of rewards and few setbacks.  As we close out this year I can say my family are all heathly and my sister continues to grow stronger.  My family ALL were together this xmas with the exception of a couple of neices.  ALL.  That is amazing.  And under one roof with no arguments.  THAT is amazing.  The headcount that night was 27.  Brothers, sisters and all that comes with them.  It was awesome. 
So my final entry for this year will be this.  I am heading out shortly.  No plans for anything festive for the evening.  My car just doesn't like being on the road on this night of sheer amiturish drinking and horsing around.  I left that life some time ago.
I pray that everyone end the year with no regrets and ring in 2013 with joy and hope of a great year!

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