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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, September 21, 2012

"GRAND children"

Today is the birthday of my oldest granddaughter.  A beautiful young girl that has seen more than her share of adult emotional bs.  She was abandoned by her birth mother several years ago.  Just passed her on to her dad (my s-i-l) here, you take her I don't want her.  Really?  How do you not want your child.
But I digress.  She is awesome.  And I, for one, am so blessed to have her in my life.  Mac here is to you.  Happy birthday!  Next week my twin grandchildren have their birthday.  So, all of my babies will be in double digits by then.  THEN the week after that my daughter has her bday.  She is 20 years younger than I.  So, I am getting older and so are they.
I think back on my own childhood and recall with love spending time with my grandmother.  A sweet lady that passed away when I was 13.  She would come get me/us from our less than good environment.  And for a few days we were important....... to someone.  She took me to the dentist for the first time.  She taught us a prayer at bedtime.  She seemed to care about who we were.  How we were. 
My grandmother on my father's side was the most incredible woman I have ever known.  I do not believe she ever spoke of anyone or to anyone with disdain.  She read her bible daily.  I remember her coming to stay with us a few times.  My mom and dad had divorced but she was still interested in us.  US.  Wow!
This is how I want my grandchildren to grow up.  Knowing how much they are loved by the grownups around them.  The ones that have nothing to worry about while they are around but them.  I truly understand how parents get overwhelmed and let the joy of watching them grow up slip by.  Grandparents don't.  They come to my house and for years we have "had our adventures".  They loved guessing what this weekend would bring.  It didn't matter if it was going to the science museum or hiking on the mountain.  They loved it all and so did/do I.  So, as they mature, grow up, I grasp all they have to offer.  And I in return give all I have.  Somehow I end up on the better end of the stick.

1 comment:

  1. On little cousin of mine. I called in my need to "be there" for family, which turned out to be for me in truth ~ because I "needed" (on a deeper level I now understand)to read my "morning paper", which has spoken to my heart. Thanks for the insight.
