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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Do we make a difference?

by "we" you know by now I mean the people doing the "deal' in the halls of our fellowship.  I say, YES.  Unfortunately there are many others that feel they are failed by our program.  I laugh at that notion.  As it says, follow us on this journey.  We don't ever have to drink again.  I believe that.  After some time if/when we do it is by choice, albeit a sad one. 
I sponsor a woman that is in constant crisis (within the infamous head of hers).  For the past year I have sat with her, I have listened to her, I have encouraged her, I have taken her through the steps, I have shown her how we are to help others.  She still says this is too hard.  she took a drink several weeks ago and got that sense of ease and comfort that comes at once.  I'm sure that seed will begin to grow. 
I know for me I had to grow into a place that really understood step 1.  GROW.  I mean to just say it was one thing.  To fully believe it is another.  The insidious disease we have will stop at nothing.  That is why we have a DAILY reprieve.  Cause when i let up on my spiritual growth the "old" me starts to creep back in, as it tries to hide underneath hurt, anger, you name it. 
Somedays I do shortcut this thing.  I don't read some material.  I may not make a meeting.  But at the end of the day I am assured one of the woman I sponsor (and love) will call and the program springs to action.  I love it. 

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