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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Anger at whom?

When we give of our time, of ourselves exactly why do we and what do we want from that act?  I'm talking sponsorship.  I have sponsored woman that drop out of sight and others that stick around for all the promises to come true.  I have one that just doesn't get it.   She has asked someone to help her.  Really?  My first thought and knee jerk reaction was.... well  F her.   However, when she called me after that my heart jumped to be able to offer her some solution based living.  It's up to her if she uses these suggestions or not.   I hung up thinking how miraculous it was that I did not tell her to get lost.  To use the school yard tactics of a 5 year old to make my point.  HUH!  You don't want me then FINE!   We all know what I'm talking about.   Not doing that told me there is a power greater than all of us that steps in and IF we allow that power to flow, life is better.  
She is a wonderful woman.  Struggling w/ early sobriety.  What if i had been pushed aside early on?  What if whomever was sponsoring me (at that time, as I have had a few) told me to find someone else?! 
The emotionally immature side of me (then) would have been devistated.  Cause I would make it all about me!  She doesn't like me!  Whaaa!  
Now, full circle, I just listened w/ love and understanding while she stated her position.  
No anger, no retaliation.  Just love.
Wow.  God you are awesome and I am so excited to be a vessel for YOUR message. 

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