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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sometimes you just have to let them go.....

So I have a sponsee that just can't or won't get onboard with the program.  Calls when life is too tough and cries because God isn't listening.  Oh really?  Keep trying is what I told her. 
So last night I get a call just before midnight.  She just can't go on.  It's too hard.  I don't understand.   This isn't working.   Here we go again. 
I said a quick silent prayer not to lose my patience with her.  And then I just told her,  "I am not the source!  God is"  I've given her all the information I have, maybe it's time to do something else.  I can not keep spoon feeding her. 
She hung up crying.  I'm sure she feels abandoned.  But no matter how many times we talk (over a year now) she just keeps doing the same thing over and over.  I'm at a loss as to how to help and really,  it's out of my hands.  At least that is what I have to tell myself. 

We can go on to the bitter end blocking out...............................

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