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Monday, September 22, 2014

The circle of life continues.


My adult male-child has married.  Blissfully happy.  Wonderful woman and both faithful to a God of their understanding.  I am completely overwhelmed in knowing how far he has come…

33 years ago I had the cutest little skinny boy that came out screaming and kept that up for years.  He just seemed discontented all his life.  Most of what I could share about him has been already.  I prayed through so many of his life choices that I honestly came to a place of acceptance and gave him to God.  Several years ago he quit fighting anything and anyone and he too gave it to God.  I cannot express enough how totally in awe this whole transformation has left me. 

I will say that the choices over the past few years have given him a new life.  And now, a new wife.  She is precious and loves him with all she is.

During the rehearsal dinner I nearly cried.  Going home afterwards my heart was so full.  Perhaps his life would be different than anything we had wished for. 

So, ALL of the extended family as well as immediate was there.  ALL!  Imagine that.  I have a group photo that had all of the family but not those two, since they were busy greeting and enjoying the reception.  But, the point is they all there knew what a miracle they were seeing.  The kid that would rather live in a tent and be apart from most of mankind, the kid that ran from life every chance he got.  The kid that hated everyone has finally come to a place of rest.  A spirit seemingly content in the knowledge of a God none of us can imagine, but longing for something beyond our own limitations.   So, yesterday I hugged them both as they departed for a honeymoon few could tell of.  The tropical island of Hawaii.  7 glorious days of fun, sun and each other. 

My heart swells with the thought of that young love and complete dedication to each other.


Ahhh……………….. God bless them both.